sleep apnea.

 Sleep apnea.

 Sleep apnea is a disease in which the patient stops breathing while sleep Apnea is a Greek word which means to breathe. The reason for sleep apnea is that you stop breathing in sleep.

One reason for this may be that the brain can control breathing in a good way, i.e. sleep apnea, or the other reason may be that there is a problem in the respiratory tract.

During this time, there is a lack of oxygen and tries to wake the person for a long time so that you start breathing again. And due to this reflex, a person survives, but this reaction also spoils the sleep of the person. Because of this, a person loses his peaceful sleep and this process can also become a source of sleep or heart pressure. Sleep apnea can also have many other disadvantages that worsen human health.

Sleep apnea
occurs in people under the age of
50 years and in women from birth and due to obesity, sleep apnea increases further.

Central sleep apnea.

Central sleep apnea is different from sleep apnea, although it is also a type of sleep apnea, but in it the patient's breath stops again and again.

The reason for central sleep apnea is that the human brain can control the muscles that send signals to the breath well. Sleep apnea and central sleep apnea are two different concepts.
Due to this, the breath of the c-up is stopped, but central sleep apnea sleep apnea is found in a few people

Some of the reasons for central sleep apnea can also be that your heart is weak or a stroke patient or one of the reasons for central sleep apnea can also be that a person sleeps in a high place

So if you use extra oxygen, it can be quite helpful for you

Sleep apnea treatment.

For this, the best thing is to find a good doctor who understands this disease, find the central sleep apnea treatment near me, if the central sleep apnea treatment is near, then some of your tests will be done, in which only after checking the test reports, you will be given better central sleep apnea treatment accordingly.

In the central sleep apnea treatment test, your heart, brain and blood are examined.


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